Altadis U.S.A., one of the largest premium cigar companies in the United States, is elevating the rough-cut cigar category with Lion Leaf, an exceptional line of cigars. Lion Leaf will appeal to a broad audience of adult cigar smokers who appreciate fine, slow-burning and aromatic tobaccos from a high-quality producer.
Lion Leaf cigars are 100% handmade in Honduras using carefully selected, premium tobacco leaf grown in the nutrient-rich soils of Central America.
Working outside its traditional distribution channels, Altadis U.S.A. will be partnering with wholesalers nationwide to reach a wide distribution, including convenience store outlets, and has assembled a fully dedicated team to support Lion Leaf’s introduction.
“Lion Leaf will be the best-quality cigar in its category, offered at an unbeatable price,” said Alex Rhyne, National Sales Director for Lion Leaf. “The combination of premium tobaccos and select, slow-burning whole tobacco leaf wrappers, makes Lion Leaf a unique offering in the rough-cut cigar category,” Rhyne said.
Lion Leaf cigars come in eye-catching colorful pouches that preserve the aromas and freshness, and also stand out on the shelf. The cigars will be available in display cartons, initially in packs of five cigars, in three varieties – Original, Sweet and Very Berry. Other variants are scheduled to be added.
Visitors and participants at this year’s Total Product Expo (TPE), beginning February 22 in Las Vegas, will be the first to be presented Lion Leaf. To experience and learn more about this dynamic brand, visit TPE show floor booth No. 3248 dedicated exclusively to Lion Leaf.