Matt Booth is the guy everyone knows for his very eccentric behavior, wild captions on instagram and his unpredictable show appearances on podcasts and other cigar shows. He spares no expense in getting a good laugh or even a fun jab at William Cooper of Cigar-Coop. What many MIGHT not know about Matt though is he is also a very caring and kind soul who is always thinking of others and how he can help. I have heard many stories of Matt stepping in and providing acts of kindness even when not asked to do so.
Matt’s first appearance on the show was one that was memorable. He set a record for the amount of “F-bombs’ I think will ever be said on our show and provided us with how much he loves Abe Dababneh of Smoke Inn. He returned shortly after with William Cooper to help us celebrate our show’s one year anniversary celebration and informed us on how much he hates Soup Plantation restaurant and educated us on what he feels Coops strongest attribute is in his marriage.
Matt came back to celebrate Veterans Day with us. He is a former Unites States Marine himself and provided a little bit of glimpse inside his time there. He also launched his re-release of the Room101 Namakubi which he has promised to donate a portion of the proceeds to a local Alzheimers charity in Nevada. This is extra personal for Matt as his mother suffers from the horrible illness. On top of all of this, and due to his multiple appearances, he has the most viewer/listens on all of his appearances on the Smokin Tabacco Show. This is why we are awarding him Best Show Guest pop 2021.