Quesada Cigars celebrates fifty years in the premium cigar industry with a limited-edition cigar blended to emulate the journey through 50 years of cigar manufacturing and market evolution. First unveiling at Procigar Festival in the Dominican Republic and debuting at PCA 2024 in Las Vegas.
From modest beginnings in June of 1974 with an empty building, five bales of tobacco and one hundred dollars, the third and fourth generation of the Quesada family started their presence in the cigar industry. Fifty years later, with now the fifth generation of the Quesada family involved, Quesada Cigars has maintained consistency and continuity in their blends and manufacturing of their cigars with dedication and passion.
Manuel Quesada comments, “Having had the privilege of participating as our industry grew and evolved, we look at the fifty years of our history and developed a cigar that will reflect our manufacturing and blending traditions. As we have commemorated other anniversaries, reaching fifty years as a premium cigar manufacturing company is a milestone to be celebrated.
- Toro Prensado – 6 1⁄4 x 56 Toro Prensado – MSRP $17.00 / Cigar
- Production: 10 count boxes – 2,200 boxes
- 6 x 60 Perfecto – MSRP $19.00 / cigar
- Production: 10 count boxes – 200 boxes
- Country of origin: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Habano Ecuador
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Fillers: Dominican Republic, Peru
The Quesada 50th Anniversary cigar is crafted as a blend of different tobacco seeds from four different countries. A blend that delivers complexity of flavors that will take the smoker in a fifty-year journey of Quesada Cigars. A true sensorial experience that will make any moment memorable.”
Raquel Quesada, comments on this new release: “I am beyond grateful to have worked hand by hand with my father on this special celebration cigar. 50 years of continuing passion and legacy. Excited to embark on many new adventures together always keeping the flame of the love for cigars burning bright.”
“It’s an honor to be part of this historic moment as Quesada joins the handful of companies that have reached the 50-year mark.” Hector Becerra, National Sales Manager.
Two vitolas will commemorate our 50th Anniversary. Packed in ten count boxes, 2,200 boxes of a 6 1⁄4 x 56 Toro Prensado, and only 200 boxes of a 6 x 60 Perfecto, will offer the smoker more than one way to celebrate with us.
Two Humidors commemorating the milestone have been created. One of them will be auctioned at Procigar Festival for a very special cause and the second one will remain with the Family. These humidors contain 100 box pressed 6 1⁄4 x 56 and 10 Perfecto 6 x 60 cigars.