Davidoff Cigars is coming out with a limited-release Maduro line of three popular formats. The new Maduro, which features Toro, Robusto and Short Corona cigars, is a successor to the brand’s former Maduro line of 2008. Davidoff claims that this new version of the Maduro is a full-bodied taste experience of medium intensity.
To achieve the sweet notes which are typical for a true Maduro taste, Davidoff invested 16 months of fermentation and 2 years of ageing in the tobacco of this cigar. Each cigar has a dark Ecuadorian wrapper from the Corte #7 grade, which accounts for almost half of the overall aroma. This leaf grows on the upper part of the tobacco plant, where it receives the most sunlight, which results in a thicker structure. A leaf of this nature requires much more time to ferment naturally. Davidoff says that they doubled the fermentation period of Maduro’s wrapper leaf, thus creating a natural temperature increase in the fermentation pile tailored to the leaf. This heat ultimately leads to the Maduro’s distinctive taste.
“Time makes all the difference in our new Maduro line. We refrain from adding any external heat sources and allow nature and time to perfect the leaves in our expertly maintained fermentation pile. This labour- and time-intensive process, accompanied by extensive testing and followed by a long ageing phase, has resulted in a wonderfully refined cigar with a flavour profile and body that will be highly sought-after in the market. I am sure that our new Maduro, in which we have invested so much dedication and knowledge, will fill our aficionados’ time beautifully”, says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff.
Davidoff Maduro
Sizes: Toro, Robusto and Short Corona
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Mexico
Filler: Dominican Republic
MSRP Per Cigar: Short Corona – $43, Robusto – $50, Toro – $54
The new Davidoff Maduro line will be begin shipping in early April 2024.